'The Space' is a collaboration project between Janka Kocianová, a dance student at the Dundee & Angus college, and myself. Using dance, art, and design processes we wanted to deliver a multi-disciplinary piece. The main theme was reflecting the inner experience in juxtaposition with the outer world and finding re/connection with our bodies. ‘It is very much about looking inside. It does not have any intention, such as reveal why we are afraid of it, reveal traumas, fears, or whatever else. It tries to share the experience of a choreographer and the experience of dancers (part of their own exploration) as a constant journey sometimes painful, sometimes relieving; but as something worthwhile because the reward is our own reconciliation.’ The final outcome is a video which allowed us to create layers and express the idea in a more precise way in contrast to delivering a performance.
My part was to design, construct, and animate a virtual space which the dancers were immersed into by projecting the images/animations on them. The final 3D model acts as a twofold space. On one hand, it is deliberately based on the dance movements, music, and emotions the dancers express through their movements. But on the other hand, it acts as a representation of the inner world juxtaposed to the experience of outer world during one's journey and reflects the emotions one is exposed to along the way.

The Process